Easiest Houseplants to Care For

Easiest Houseplants to Care For

It’s so easy to become intimidated by houseplants and their needs, but in reality the vast majority require very similar and simple care instructions. We have compiled a list of 6 easy to care for houseplants.

Sansevieria/Snake Plant

One of the easiest plants to care for has to be the Snake Plant. It isn’t fussy about light, so anything from direct to a shady corner will keep a Sansevieria happy. Water it once a week in the Spring and Summer and then reduce this to every couple of weeks in the Winter.

Zanzibar/ZZ Plant

ZZ is such a great houseplant to have around, water this guy once a week and again, ZZ’s aren’t too bothered about being in the shade!

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa look like they should be tricky to keep because they are such beautiful plants, but in reality, let the soil dry out in between waterings and give it a good amount of sunlight and this plant will treat you well for years to come!

Spider Plant

Our experience of Spider Plants and our inside joke for care instructions is… drown them. Just give them loads of water. Put simply, water these guys once a week but if you notice the leaves going silvery, give it another drink. Give Spider Plants a good amount of light and they will reward you with little babies that you can chop off and root in water.


Also known as a Wandering Jew, these plants multiply so quickly and are perfect if you are after a quick growing trailing plant. Wandering Jew are best watered once a week, a good thorough water. Lots of indirect light will speed up the growth of Tradescantia too!

Devils Ivy/Pothos/Scindapsus

The best plant for dramatics, Devils Ivy can grow incredibly long in a very short space of time given the right care. A good amount of sun, weekly watering and a feed every few weeks in the Spring and Summer will keep this lovely trailing plant extremely happy! You can even chop super long stems off and pop them back in the pot to add more depth to a leggy plant. Best of luck with your houseplants and we hope these tips for houseplant care help you out!

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